
Colak I., Irmak E., Kabalci E. and Issi F., (2011), "Design and Implementation of A Remote Laboratory Platform Using MATLAB Builder for NE", Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1 December, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/cae.21553, Accepted.
ÇOLAK İ., Seref S. and Yesilbudak M., (2011), "Data mining and wind power prediction: a literature review”, Renewable Energy, Accepted.
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E., (2011), "Practical Implementation of a digital signal processor controlled multilevel inverter with low total harmonic distortion for motor drive applications”, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, Issue 18, 15 September 2011, Pages 7585-7593
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. and BAYINDIR R., (2011), "Review of multilevel voltage source inverter topologies and control schemes, Energy Conversion and Management. DOI:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.09.006, Vol. 52, 2011, pp. 1114–1128.
Sagiroglu S., Bayindir R. and ÇOLAK I., (2009), "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEURAL CONTROLLER FOR POWER FACTOR CORRECTION", International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol. 17, Issue: 4, pp. 209-220, DECEMBER.
Kahraman H. T., Sagiroglu S. and ÇOLAK I., (2010), "A NOVEL MODEL FOR WEB-BASED ADAPTIVE EDUCATIONAL HYPERMEDIA SYSTEMS: SAHM (SUPERVISED ADAPTIVE HYPERMEDIA MODEL", Computer Applications in Engineering Education. (In publish).
Sefa I., Bayindir R., Garip I., Bayhan S. and ÇOLAK I., (2010), "Providing Equality of Frequencies and Phase Angles Based on Microcontroller for Parallel Connection of Generators", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 25 No. 1, March, pp. 39-48.
Bayindir R., Irmak E., ÇOLAK İ. and Bektas A., (2011), "Development of a Real Time Energy Monitoring Platform" International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 33, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 137-146.
Kabalci E., Irmak E. and ÇOLAK I., (2010), "Design of an AC-DC-AC converter for renewable energy sources" International Journal of Energy Research, 21 July, Vol. 35, pp. 169-175.
ÇOLAK İ., Demirbas Ş., Sağıroğlu Ş. and Irmak E. (2009), "A Novel Web Based Laboratory for DC Motor Experiments”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 125-135.
Kabalci E., Bayindir R. and ÇOLAK İ., (2009), "Design and Harmonic Analysis of an Spwm Controlled Six-Phase Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Panels" International Journal of Electrical Energy Systems, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 93-98, July – December 2009.
Bayindir R., Sagiroglu S., ÇOLAK İ. and Ozbilen A., (2009), "Investigating Industrial Risks Based on Information Security for Observerable Electrical Energy Distribution System and Suggestions”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 24 No. 34, December, pp. 715-723.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R. and Kaplan O., (2009), " Single Phase Shunt Active Filters for Power Quality Improvement", G.U. Journal of Science,Vol. 23, No.2, pp. 177-186.
Garip İ., Bayhan S. and ÇOLAK İ., (2009), "Providing Equality of Voltages Based on Microcontroller for Parallel Connection of Alternators", New World Sciences Academy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 348-359.
Sefa İ. Demirtas M. and ÇOLAK İ., (2009), "Application of one-axis sun tracking system” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 50, Issue 11, Pages 2709-2718, August.
Irmak E., Bayindir R. ÇOLAK İ., and Soysal M., (2009), "A Remote Laboratory Experiment for 4-Quadrant Control of a DC Motor”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 747-758.
ÇOLAK İ., Demirbas Ş., Sağıroğlu Ş. and Irmak E. (2008), "A Novel Web Based Laboratory for DC Motor Experiments”, Electrical Power System Research. In publish.
Demirbaş Ş., Irmak E., Bayhan S. and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "Torque and Speed Control of a Wound Rotor Induction Motor by Adjusting Rotor Resistance using a Microcontroller ”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 801-810.
Sagiroglu S., ÇOLAK İ. and Kahraman H. T., (2008), Transition to Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System From WEB based Educational System: Review of Design Approaches for the AEHS”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 837-852.
Bayindir R., ÇOLAK İ., Garip İ. and Bayhan S., (2008), "Microcontroller Based Warning System for Right Phase Order and Phase Collapse for Alternators”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 2009.
Demirtaş M., Sefa İ., Irmak E. and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "Microcontroller based DC/DC Boost Converter for Solar Energy Systems”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 719-728.
ÇOLAK İ., Demirbas Ş., Sefa İ., Irmak E. and Kahraman H. T., (2008), "Remote controlling and monitoring of a HVAC system over the Internet”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 67, No 9, pp. 680-684.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayındır R. Demirbaş Ş. and Bektaş A., (2008), "Observing Electrical Energy in an Industrial Plant", will be published in Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology of Erciyes University, Vol. 24, No. 1-2, pp 154-164.
Bayindir R., Sefa İ., ÇOLAK İ. and Bektaş A., (2008), "Fault Detection and Protection of Induction Motors Using Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 23, No. 3, September, pp. 734-741.
ÇOLAK İ. and Sagiroglu S., Kahraman H. T., (2008), "Architechture of Web Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System", 2nd International Future-Learning Conference On Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008:e-Learning, pp. 358-365, 27-29 March, Istanbul, Turkey.
Sagiroglu S., ÇOLAK İ., Irmak E. and Bulut H., (2008), "A Virtual Laboratory Platform Based on . NET Framework", 2nd International Future-Learning Conference On Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008:e-Learning, pp. 800-807, 27-29 March, Istanbul, Turkey.
Sefa İ., Demirtaş M., Garip İ. and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "Design and Implementation of Parallel Operation Set of Alternators for Education Purpose”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 729-739.
ÇOLAK İ. and İ. Koşalay (2008), "Neural Network Estimation of RF Electromagnetic Pollution Near TV Broadcast Transmitters”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 4, April, 1004-1010.
E. Kurt (2011). A Stationary Multi-component Cathode Modeling and Ion Trajectories for an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device. Int. J. Energy Research, 35(2)(89-95).  
M. Cantürk, E. Kurt, I. Askerzade (2011). Alternative numerical modeling of a superconducting charge qubit as an eigenvalue problem. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 30(2)(775).  
E. Kurt (2010). Periodic and aperiodic dynamics from a resistively coupled nonidentical superconducting junction under dc excitations. Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signals, 1(29).  
E. Kurt, M. Cantürk (2010). BIFURCATIONS AND HYPERCHAOS FROM A DC DRIVEN NON-IDENTICAL JOSEPHSON JUNCTION SYSTEM. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 20(11)(3725-3740).  
E. Kurt, M. Canturk (2009). Chaotic dynamics of resistively coupled DC-driven distinct Josephson junctions and the effects of circuit parameters. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(22)(2229-2237).  
Y. Akgün, A. S. Bölükdemir, E. Kurt, T. Öncü, A. Alaçakir (2009). Preliminary plasma focus studies at ODAK-3K device using track detectors. Plasma DevicesOperations, 17(4)(293-300).  
E. Kurt , H. Kurt and U. Bayhan (2009). Ionization effects and linear stability in a coaxial plasma device. Central European Journal of Physics, 7(1)(123-129).  

  • Other Index Publications
A.S. Bolukdemir, Y. Akgun, E. Kurt, T.Oncu, A. Alacakir (2009). D-D Fusion Studies at Odak-3k Plasma Focus Device. International Journal of Electrical Energy Systems, 1(2)(65-69).
M. Cantürk, E.Kurt (2009). Eigenvalue solutions a Josephson junction circuit as a model of a charge qubit. Fizika, 15(2)(177-179).  
H. Yucel Kurt, E. Kurt, B.G. Salamov (2009). Development and characterization of semiconductor gas discharge microstructure. Fizika, 15(2)(22-24).  

  • Turkish Journal Publications
Sağıroğlu Ş., ÇOLAK İ. Bayındır R. and Özbilen A., (2009), "Cyber Thread Against Distributed Control Systems", TÜBAV Bilim, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 82-88.
ÇOLAK İ. ve Demirtas M., (2008), "Development of Energy Production Through Wind Energy in Turkey", Journal of TÜBAV Science, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 64-72 .
ÇOLAK İ. ve Kabalci E., (2008), "The Control Methods of Multi-Level Inverters", Journal of TÜBAV Science, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 45-54 .
ÇOLAK İ. Bayındır R. and Demirtas M., (2009), "Future of Energy in Turkey", TÜBAV Bilim, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 36-44.
ÇOLAK İ. ve Kosalay İ., (2008), "Investigation of the Effect of Lightning in Electrical Facilities in Terms of Electromagnetic Compatibility", Journal of TÜBAV Science, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 7-12.
BAYINDIR R., SAĞIROĞLU Ş. and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "An Intelligent Power Factor Corrector for Power System Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Electrical Power System Research, 79, pp. 152-160.

  • International Conference Publications
COLAK I., Demirtas M. and Kabalci E., (2012), "Design and Optimisation of a Resonant DC Link Inverter for Solar Energy Systems", COMPEL, Accepted
COLAK I., Yesilbudak M., Sagiroglu S., and Kahraman H.T. (2011) “An Intelligent Approach for Speed Stability Analysis of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor based on Genetic k-NN Algorithm”, The 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT2011, Azarbaycan, Baku, 12-14 October 2011.
ÇOLAK İ. and Yesilbudak M., (2011), "Design of a Parameter Determination System for Non-Isolated Converter Topologies", International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics and Electromotion Joint Conference (ACEMP 2011), 08-10 September 2011, Istanbul/Turkey.
ÇOLAK İ. and Efe A., (2011), "Design and Implementation of a Remote Access PLC Training Set", International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics and Electromotion Joint Conference (ACEMP 2011), 08-10 September 2011, Istanbul/Turkey.
Kabalci E., ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R. and Pavlitov C., (2011), "Modelling a 7-Level Asymetrical H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With PS-SPWM Control", International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics and Electromotion Joint Conference (ACEMP 2011), 08-10 September 2011, Istanbul/Turkey.
Pavlitov C. and ÇOLAK İ., (2011), "Sensorless Control of SRM by the Aid of Artificial Neural Network Adaptive Reference Model ", 14 th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011), 30 August, 1 September 2011, Birmingham/ United Kingdom.
Irmak E., ÇOLAK İ., Kaplan O. and Kose A., (2011), "Development of a Real Time Monitoring and Control System for PLC Based Elevator", 14 th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011), 30 August, 1 September 2011, Birmingham/ United Kingdom.
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. and Bal G., (2011), "Parallel DC-AC Conversion System Based on Separate Solar Farms with MPPT Control", 8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ICPE 2011, ECCE Asia, 30 May, 3 June 2011, Jeju/ Sout Korea.
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E., Yesilbudak M. and Kahraman H. T., (2011), "A Novel Intelligent Decision Support Tool for Average Wind Speed Clustering", 8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ICPE 2011, ECCE Asia, 30 May, 3 June 2011, Jeju/ Sout Korea.
Bayindir R., ÇOLAK İ., Kaplan O. and Can C., (2011), "MATLAB/GUI Based Simulation for Photovoltaic Systems", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 11-13 May 2011, Malaga, Spain.
Irmak E., COLAK İ., Kaplan O. and Guler N., (2011), "Design and Application of a Novel Zero-Crossing Detector Circuit", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 11-13 May 2011, Malaga, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R., Irmak E. and Kaplan O., (2011), "A Comparative Study of Harmonic Extraction Methods for Single Phase Shunt Active Power Filter", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 11-13 May 2011, Malaga, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Garip I., Sagiroglu S. and Bayhan S., (2011), "Remote Monitoring of the Load Characteristics of Synchronous Generators", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 11-13 May 2011, Malaga, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. Yesilbudak M. and Bulbul H. Ibrahim, (2011), "An Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Tool for Renewable Energy Sources", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 11-13 May 2011, Malaga, Spain.
COLAK I., Bayindir R. and Kaplan O., (2011), “A Novel Technique for Power Factor Calculation Using a PLC ”, Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER'11), March 31 - April 3, 2011, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
ÇOLAK İ., Sagiroglu S., Demirtas M. and Kahraman H.T., (2010), "Determining Suitability of Locations for Installation of Solar Power Station Based on Probabilistic Inference", 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2010, 12-14 Dec, 2010, Washington DC, USA.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R., Kaplan O. and Tas F., (2010), "DC Bus Voltage Regulation of a Single Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using a Fuzzy Logic Controller", 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2010, 12-14 Dec, 2010, Washington DC, USA.
COLAK I., Demirtas M. and Kabalci E., (2010), “A Novel Converter Design and Optimisation for Solar Energy System”, Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER'11), March 31 - April 3, 2011, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
Bayindir R., COLAK I., and Kaplan O., (2010), “A Novel Technique for Power Factor Calculation Using a PLC”, Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER'11), March 31 - April 3, 2011, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
Kahraman H.T., Sagiroglu S., and COLAK I., (2010) “Development of Adaptive and Intelligent Web-Based Educational Systems”, The 4th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT2010, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 12-14 October 2010.
ÇOLAK İ. and Kabalci E., (2010) “INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF AN INVERTER USED IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES", The Second International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources, (NURER-2010), 4-7 July 2010, Gazi University-Gölbaşı Convention Centre, pp. 853-859, Ankara.
COLAK I., Demirtas M., Bayindir R. and Yesilbudak M., (2010), “Design and Simulation of a Drive System for Speed Control of Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor”, 20th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion , SPEEDAM 2010, 14 -16 June 2010, pp. 180-185, PISA – Italy.
COLAK I., Demirtas M., Bayindir R. and Yesilbudak M., (2010), “Design and Simulation of a Drive System for Speed Control of Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor”, 20th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion , SPEEDAM 2010, 14 -16 June 2010, pp. 180-185, PISA – Italy.
COLAK I., Bayindir R. And Kabalci E., (2010), “Design and Analysis of a 7-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Dual SDCSs”, 20th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion SPEEDAM 2010, 14 -16 June 2010, pp. 1783-1788, PISA – Italy.
COLAK I., Demirtas M. And Bayindir R., (2010), “A Novel Data Acquisition System for Monitoring Hybrid Energy Systems”, Fifth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER'10), March 25 - 28, 2010, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
Bayindir R., ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. and Irmak E., (2009), "The Fuzzy Logic Control of a Multilevel Converter in a Variable Speed Wind Turbine", 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2009, 13-15 Dec, 2009, Miami, Florida, USA.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R., Kahraman H. T. and Yesilbudak M., (2009), "Design of an Intelligent Decision Making System for a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor ", 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2009, 13-15 Dec, 2009, Miami, Florida, USA.
ÇOLAK İ., Bal G., Demirtas M., and Kahraman H. T., (2009), "A Parameter Determination System for Wind Turbines Based On Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm", 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2009, 13-15 Dec, 2009, Miami, Florida, USA.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayındır R. and Kaplan O., (2009) “Transformation of Electrical Energy Produced at Renewable Power Station to the Grid Using Aktive Power Filter", Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources Conference (NURER 2009), 28-29 September 2009, Gazi Üniversitesi-Gölbaşı Covention Centre, Ankara.
Kabalcı E., Irmak E. ve ÇOLAK İ., (2009) “Design of an AC-DC Converter for Wind Turbines", Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources Conference (NURER 2009), 28-29 September 2009, Gazi Üniversitesi-Gölbaşı Covention Centre, Ankara.
Kabalcı E., Bayındır R. ve ÇOLAK İ., (2009) “Design and Harmonic Analysis of a SPWM Controlled Six-Phase Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Panels", Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources Conference (NURER 2009), 28-29 September 2009, Gazi Üniversitesi-Gölbaşı Covention Centre, Ankara.
IRMAK E., BULUT H., SAGIROGLU S. and COLAK İ., (2009), " Usage of .NET Platform to Build up Interactive Simulations for Electrical Machines”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics - ICELIE'2009, Porto, Portugal.
COLAK İ., Kabalci E., BAYINDIR R. and IRMAK E., (2009), "DESIGN OF A 6-PULSE MULTILEVEL SPWM CONTROLLED CONVERTER FOR FIXED SPEED WIND TURBINES”, TPE-2009 5rd Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Bilbao, Spain.
COLAK İ., Kabalci E., BAYINDIR R. and IRMAK E., (2009), "MODELLING OF AN SPWM CONTROLLED AC-DC-AC CONVERTER FOR FIXED SPEED WIND TURBINES”, TPE-2009 5rd Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Bilbao, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. and Kabalci Y., (2009), "Hardware Implementation for Electronics Laboratory:Design and Application of a Microprocessor Controlled Oscilloscope1st International Vocational High School Symposium, Konya-Turkey, 27-29 May 2009, pp. 642-651.
Sefa İ., Altin N., ÇOLAK İ. and Ozdemir S., (2009), "18 PULSE CONTROLLED RECTIFIER", EPE 2009, 8-10 September, Barcelona, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R. and Kabalci E., (2009), "Modeling of a Three Phase SPWM Multilevel VSI with Low THD Using Matlab/Simulink", EPE 2009, 8-10 September, Barcelona, Spain.
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R., Kabalci E. and Sagiroglu S., (2009), "The Design Analysis of a 5-Level Cascaded Voltage Source Inverter with Low THD", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), Lizbon, Portugal.
Bayindir R., ÇOLAK İ., Kabalci E. and Gorgun A., (2009), "A New Approach to PID Controlled Synchronous Motor for Power Factor Correction ", International Conference on Power Enegineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), Lizbon, Portugal.
ÇOLAK İ. ve Kosalay İ., (2009), “Effects of Artificial Neural Networks on Estimation of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Pollution caused by TV Transmitter”, 5th International Conference of Advance Technologies, Karabük University, 3-15 Mayıs, Karabük-Turkey.
Sefa İ., Demirtas M., ÇOLAK İ., and Ugur D., (2009), “Simulation of Paralel-Connected DC/DC Boost Converter for Hybrit Energy Sources”, 5th International Conference of Advance Technologies, Karabük University, 3-15 Mayıs, Karabük-Turkey.
Demirtaş M., Bal G., ÇOLAK İ., and Yeşilbudak M., (2009), “Simulation of Speed Control for Travelling Wave Ultrsonic Motor”, 5th International Conference of Advance Technologies, Karabük University, 3-15 Mayıs, Karabük-Turkey.
ÇOLAK İ., Sağıroğlu Ş. and Irmak E., Bayindir R. and Bal G., (2008), " Design of an E-Laboratory Platform for Electric Control Circuit”, High Technology in Education System Advancement and Current Trends in Teaching Methodology, Ashgabat, Türkmenistan
ÇOLAK İ., Sağıroğlu Ş. and Kahraman H. T., (2008), " Design of Domain Model for Web-Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Applications”, High Technology in Education System Advancement and Current Trends in Teaching Methodology, Ashgabat, Türkmenistan.
ÇOLAK İ., Kaplan O., Bayındır R. ve Kundakoğlu H., (2008) “Simulation of Reactive Power Applications for Education Purposes", Conference of Electrical-Electronics and Computer Engineering, 26-30 November 2008, Bursa.
ÇOLAK İ. and Kabalcı E., (2008) “A study on Converter Topologies and Thier Developments” Conference of Electrical-Electronics and Computer Engineering, 26-30 November 2008, Bursa.
Koşalay İ. and ÇOLAK İ., (2008) “ Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Data at 34.5/0.6 kV Transformer Center”, Conference of Electrical-Electronics and Computer Engineering, 26-30 November 2008, Bursa.
ÇOLAK İ., Sagiroglu S. and Kahraman H. T., (2008), "A User Modeling Approach to Web Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems”, Seventh International Conference on Machine Learnnig and Applications ICMLA'08, December 11-13, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
COLAK İ., BAYINDIR R., IRMAK E. AND SOYSAL M., (2008), "A New Tool for Four-Quadrant Drive System of DC Motor Based on Microcontroller”, TPE-2008 4rd Conference on Technical and Physical Problemsin Power Engineering, pp. 216-219, 4-6 September, University of Piteşti, Piteşti, Romania.
BAYINDIR R., SEFA İ. DEMİRBAS Ş., ÇOLAK İ. and GORGUN A., (2008), "A user Friendly Educational Tool for Observing Synchronous Motor Operation Conditions”, TPE-2008 4rd Conference on Technical and Physical Problemsin Power Engineering, pp. 216-219, 4-6 September, University of Piteşti, Piteşti, Romania.
Demirbaş Ş., Demirtaş M., Sefa İ., and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "Building of W&S Energy System", 19th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion Ischia (Italy) 11 - 13 June.
Demirtaş M., Sefa İ., Irmak E. and ÇOLAK İ. (2008), "Low-Cost and High Sensitive Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition System for Renewable Energy Sources", 19th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion Ischia (Italy) 11 - 13 June.
Irmak E., Bayindir R., COLAK İ., Sagiroglu S. and Bal G., (2008), "A Web Based Real Time Speed Control Experiment on Ultrasonic Motor for Educational Purposes", 19th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion Ischia (Italy) 11 - 13 June.
Erol Kurt, Serdal Arslan, 2011. The Effects of Cathode Structure and Dielectric Type in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Device , 10. Int. Conf. Sustainable Energy Technologies Kumburgaz, İstanbul  
Serdal ARSLAN, Hikmet FIDANBOY, Sevki DEMIRBAS, M.Emin GUVEN, Erol KURT, 2011. Investigation of Current Harmonics Using FEM on Different Rotor Types of PMSMs, 23. Int. Symp. Inform., Com. Automation Tech. ICAT 2011 Saraybosna, Bosna-Hersek  
E. Kurt, S. Arslan, , 2011. Elektrik mühendisliği, III. Int. Conf. on Power engineering Malaga, İspanya  
E. Kurt, 2011. Manyetik Ekman-Couette Tabakası Kararsızlıkları ve Desenler, 18. İstanbul İstatistik Fizik Günleri Sabancı Ünv. , İstanbul  
E. Kurt, S. Arslan, 2010. MODELING OF AN INERTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CONFINEMENT (IEC) FUSION DEVICE, II. Int. Conf. Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources Gölbaşı, Ankara  
E. Kurt, Y. Uzun, Enerji, II. Int. Conf. Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources Gölbaşı, Ankara  
T. Öncü, Y. Akgün, S. Ekenoğlu, E.Kurt, İ.Türk Çakır, E. Recepoğlu, H. Karadeniz, A. Yüzübenli, A. Alaçakır, Enerji, II. Int. Conf. Nucl. Renewable Energy Resources Gölbaşı, Ankara  

  • National Conference Publications
ÇOLAK İ., Bayindir R. and Kaplan O., (2009), " Application of DSP Based Single Phase Shunt Active Power Filters", 13th National Conference of Turkish Electrical Engineering Committee, 23-26 December, Middle East Technical University Congress Centre, Ankara-Turkey.
M. Canturk, E. Kurt, İ. Askerzade, Yoğun madde fiziği, 16. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Kongresi Ankara  
M.Canturk, E.Kurt, I.N.Askerzade, süperiletkenlik, 4. Ulusal Süperiletkenlik Sempozyumu Trabzon
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